Naš dragi Nikola, napustio nas je u navečer, na Cvjetnicu 31.3.2015, uzlazeći s trpećim Kristom u nebeski Jeruzalem, i pridružujući se nebeskim zborovima! Njegovu radost, smješak, nepokolebljivu volju da ostvari cilj, hrabrost i požrtvovnost u akciji i pozitivan pogled na svijet, bez obzira na nevolje koje su ga snašle, zadržat ćemo uvijek u sjećanju! Nikola, hvala ti za sve što si učinio za naš ZKŽ, dok si cijelu Hrvatsku predstavljao na svjetskoj skupštini u Libanonu 2013, na europskim susretim 2014 i 2015 u St’Poltenu i Regensburgu.
A da tvoj optimizam nije zarazio samo nas, svjedoče i svi ovi naši prijatelji iz ZKŽ-a iz cijelog svijeta!
Čekaj nas, dok se ne sretnemo kod Gospodina, i spremi nam najbolje mjesto u nebeskom zboru!
Nikola Trubić i p. Adolfo Nicolas, general DI, Libanon GA 2013
Izrazi sućuti iz ostalih nacionalnih zajednica diljem svijeta:
Dear Damian,Thank you for the message.So sad, but before Easter time so hopeful!He must be so happy now!Regards,Joanna from Poland |
Dear Damijan. I offer you and all croatian community my sincere feelings. Nikola was a special person. Like a very special angel, fragile but full of joy and life. And he will always be that special angel and friend in the Lord.Love Teresa, Portugal |
Dear Damjan and the Croatian communityI was truly sad to hear this news, He was a wonderful person and I will always remember him for his laughter and positive attitude to life! I pray for him and also for you all that the Lord may be with you to comfort and strengthen you at this time.Much loveEvelyne Maloret, England |
Dear Damijan and the CLC CommunityHow very sad to hear the news of Nikola’s death – it must be a great loss for his family and your community. I will remember him as someone who always seemed brimming with life and ideas despite his physical difficulties. His life and witness were a gift to us.I will remember you all in prayer over these daysBest wishesMonica FrancombCLC (E&W) President. |
Dear Damijan and all our sisters and brothers,We thank God for this beautiful gift we had in the person of Nikola.It is sad to hear this news, but Nikola is now in a place where there is no more pain and illness, nothing to tie him down. He is free now and enjoys eternal rest with the Lord. From there, his prayers for CLC will continue to accompany all of us.- Luke Rodrigues, sj EA |
Dear CLC friends,I too share everyone’s sadness but consolation about his being at peace. I very much enjoyed his company in the past. He will be missed.Sympathies and prayers,Chris (Hogan) |
Thank you Damijan to inform us about Nikolawe share your sadnesswe pray for Nikola and all of you during this Holy weekP. Jean-Luc Fabre, SJAssistant National de la Communauté de Vie Chrétienne, France |
Dear Damian, dear all,We are very sad that Nikola is not any more among us. I, together with CLC Switzerland, offer you our sincere sympathies and support for the coming time.In friendship,Helmut Schift, CLC Swiss |
My condolences to Nikola’s family and to CLC Croatia.May God comfort you.Nikola was a blessing to CLC, We thank God for His Gift.Rest in peace, Dear Nikola and I am sure Jesus said to you:”Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world”Union of prayersYvonne UMURUNGICLC Rwanda |
Dear Damijan,I am very sorry indeed to read this sad news and I send my condolences to CLC Croatia and to the family of Nikolas. He was a extraordinary and inspiring individual who gave us so much. May the good Lord grant him the fullness of eternal joy.Alan Harrison SJEA England and Wales |
Dear Damijan and CLC CroatiaThis is really sad news! My condolences to Nico’s family and CLC Croatia for which he was clearly passionate about.May the Lord grant him eternal peace and freedom!Chris MicallefMalta |
Dear Damijan and CLC friends,This is very sad news, indeed. I send our sincere condolences for Nikolas family and for CLC Croatia, together with the warmest and deepest prayers for Nikola.Andreas CLC Sweden |
Dear Damijan,Nicola was a great person. May Lord rest him peace. In Latvia we will pray for hi, his family, your community.Inese Reunce, Latvia |
Dragi Damijane, preko svjetske zajednice sam saznao za Nikolinu smrt. U svom osobnom imenu i imenu vaših prijatelja iz slovenske SKŽ izražavam iskrenu sućut njegovoj obitelji i vašoj zajednici. Molim te da i našu poruku proslijediš njegovim najbližim i vašim članovima. Neka vas /nas tješi i nam daje putokaz vjera u našeg Gospodina, a neka naš Nikola uživa vječni mir u njegovom naručju.Pozdrav, Goran Šušnjar, SKŽ Slovenija |
Dear Damian,What sad news…. It makes me cry because Nikola’s death means a deep loss for me personally.I have informed CLC Austria members and we join the world community in prayers for Nikola, his family and CLC Croatia. Please transmit our sincere condolences to his family and friends and our support in prayers.Lots of love from Austria.Martha Dumphart |
Dear Damijan and CLC Croatia,Missing Nikola and remembering his courage and strength , we send you a little souvenir from our days together at the Eurolink meeting in St.Poelten . May he be in the light of our Lord Jesus Christ and send His peace and love to his family and the one CLC world community ,united in prayerLuisa Bonetti and the Euro Team |
Dear Damijan,sincere condoleances to Nikola’s family and CLC Croatia. I had the chance to meat him only once, but still remember his smile and his positive attitude.MagdaCLC Transylvania (Romania) |
Dear Damian,I join the many CLC hearts and many others to express my sympathy and prayers on this very sad news of Nicola’s death. Words are empty really… but being the start of Holy Week we can accompany you confidently as we come to confirm our faith in the Risen Lord on Easter Sunday. God Bless.Vincent Magri SJ, EA MaltaSorry to hear about the passing on of Nickola.. As clc family we pray for the repose of his soul and strength to the Family and CLC Croatia .Norbert Tembo |
Dear Damijan,Nikola is now in the God’s kingdom and he prays for us. Our sincere condolences for Nikola’s family and for CLC Croatia.Antonio Salvio – CLC taly |
Dear Damijan and all CLC members in Croatia:This is a very sad news indeed! Nicolas was a wonderful person! We are united in prayer for all your community and specially for his family! May they feel the lovng presence of God during this this time of mourning and grief. Nicolas is now with God! I’m sure we will keep praying for CLC!United in ChristTeresa Costa, CVX Portugal |
Dear Damijan and CLC Croatia Community,Although the death of Nikola is un-welcome by South Sudan CLC, it is believe God has overall responsibility on every one of us.Our grieve goes to Nikola’s Family and CLC Croatia. However we trust his presence with God and starting experience of the lasting peace.We pray for Nikola’s family and Acquaintances during this difficult time of bereavement.God rest his soul in eternal peace.Rosetta Ihisa, CVX South Sudan |
Dear Damijan,As members of one CLC body, we take part into your pain and hope. I’m sure that the risen Lord welcomes Nikola in his joy now; I give thanks for Nikolas’ uncomplicated and warm presence at different international meetings, for his optimism and joy. May God give strength and hope to his family and the whole Croatian CLC!In union of prayer,Josy Birsens SJCLC Luxembourg |
Dragi hrvaški prijatelji v Gospodu,iskreno sočustvujemo z vami! Nikolov odhod k nebeškemu Očetu prav v času, ko vsa Cerkev slavi Gospodov slovesni vhod v Jeruzalem in stopa z Njim v trpljenje, nas kot ljudi in prijatelje žalosti in boli. A bolj, ko smo tesno združeni z Gospodom v trpljenju, bolj nas navdaja upanje in veselje, da bomo nekoč vsi skupaj prestopili prag nebeškega Jeruzalema in zaživeli življenje v Slavi. Skupaj z Nikolo.Z vami in Nikolovo družino združeni v molitvi in slavljenju Gospoda za vse kar nam daječlani Slovenske SKŽin Iztok Žebovec, predsednik Slovenske SKŽ |
Dear Damijan,I was deeply touched by your message, coming back at the office this morning.My condolences to Nico’s family and the whole CLC in Croatia.In communion of prayer.Denis DobbelsteinW-ExCo Consultor |
Dear Damijan,I did not get to meet Nikola, but I know that he is much loved. I will pray for him, as I know he prays for us, as he partakes anew in this communion of saints.Prayers,AlwinExecutive Secretary, Christian Life Community (CLC) |
Dear Damijan and CLC friends,This is very sad news, indeed. I send our sincere condolences for Nikolas family and for CLC Croatia together with the warmest greetings, as well as our deepest prayers for Nikola.Andreas Carlgren CLC Sweden |
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,we send our sincere condolences for Nikola’s family and all CLC Croatia. Praised be our Lord for Nicola. It seems that CLC is getting bigger in God’s gardens as well… Let everything be to the highest glory of God.In union of prayerKristina Rankelytė, in the name of CLC Lithuania |
Acompaño con mi oración a la familia de Nikola y agradezco a Dios por todo lo que nos ha regalado a través de él.Carlos AcostaCVX -Argentina |
Dear Damijan, CLC Croatia, family and friends of Nikola,During this Passion Week we pray in gratitude for Nikola’s life.May his soul rest in peace.Elaine Regan NightingaleCLC Canada |
I join the prayers in gratutude for Nikola’s life. He is now in union with Christ helping us to continue our path with others to our Father’s home.José Roberto Arango, s.j. EA – Colombia |
Dear Damijan, CLC Croatia, family and friends of Nikola, it is hard to loose someone we love. But he is swimming in God’s love, peace, joy now as I experienced more than 23 years ago when I had a severe car accident with two heart arrests. There is no better place to be than “being back home” with our so loving Father!Dominique CyrCVX Canada français |
Dear Damijan and C.L.C. Croatia,It is with great sadness in my heart that I send you and C.L.C. Croatia my/our sincere sympathy on behalf of C.L.C.Ireland. In Nikola’s short life he has made a huge difference. His request that we all express our joy by smiling more is my abiding memory of him. May he now be enfolded in the joy and love of the Lord.Sincerely,Mary O’FlahertyC.L.C. Ireland |
Dear Damian,I am very touched by this very sad news. I was so happy in december that Nikola had overcome his illness. I couldn’t imagine Nikola was going to leave us now.My warm thouhgts and all my compassion are for Nikola’s family and friends, and indead for all of you in CLC Croatia.Nikola entered the life in God, and he will continue to do great things for CLC he was serving all these years. I thank God for Nikola’s short but so intensive life. I pray for all of you that after the tears of the passion you can be open to the peace of the Resurrected Christ.Sharing with our members through our prayer-bridge, CLC Luxembourg will be in communion with all of you.Avec toute mon amitié,Jocelyne Wanderscheid (eurolink CVX Luxembourg) |
Dear CLC CroatiaDear Trubic Family,We thank the Lord for knowing and sharing with Nikola. He was a visible statement of God’s strength, resilience and happiness when we met in Lebannon. I will miss his passing, and I rejoice knowing that he now walks easily in the presence of the Lord. He is and will always be an inspiration to me.A global hug where we all can be embraced by the warmth of the Lord.AMDG,Enrique A. Fernández M. |
Dear friendsI can only join all of you : I am sad and hope Nikola is now in peace and joy with Jesus. Thanks to him for all he gave us, especially in Regensburg last year.God is stronger than deathGod bless youAnne LemantEurolink CVX/GLC/CLC France |
Thak you Lord for gift of lifie of Nikola, only the Mystery can re-veil mystery- CLC Slovakia vill commemorate him during our 16.common annual celebration of Easter social weekBernard Mišovič SJ, Slovakia |
Dear Damijan,Nikola passed away on Palm Sunday, praising the Lord at his own way, as usual: he had a very special personality I could appreciate in Libanon and in Regensburg last year.Now he will celebrate the everlasting Easter – we have another friend in heaven!Yours in the Resurrected Christ,Philippe Luisier sjPontificio Istituto Orientale,Rome |
Dear CLC CroatiaNikola touched all of us by his passion and deep commitment to CLC, especially in the Lebanon Assembly, I pray that he is enjoying the wonderful peace of union with God. Our condolences to his family and friends and CLC Croatia.Love and prayersKaye HenrickNational Co-ordinator CLC South Africa |
Desde Asunción nos unimos en oraciones por el descanso eterno de Nikola. Abrazo fraterno en Cristo para toda la Comunidad.Norma CabreraCEN – CVXParaguay |
Dear Damijan, CLC-Croatia and Nicola’s family,We offer our condolences to Nicola’s family and CLC-Croatia. We are praying for them and for you at this difficult time.Let me take a message from the presentation of Alan Harrison SJ given in St Pölten (Austria) at Eurolink meeting:„In brokenness we share the brokenness of Christ, we are called to share in the saving mystery of his passion and death, and through such we are called to share the joy of the risen, gloriously wounded Christ.”God Father has already given a full life to Nicola.Sophie in the name of CLC-Hungary |
Nos unimos en oración por Nikola en esta semana santa. Ya goza de una vida plena!!Saludos fraternos a sus familiares y a su comunidadPilar RomaniCVX Peru |
He was a joyful person, now he rests in the Real Joy.RIP Nikola, and pray for us.Najat Sayegh, CVX Lebanon |
I am quite sorry to hear of Nikola passing away. Our thoughts and prayers are with his beloved ones and friends at the CLCMaría CarolinaCVX Colombia |
Dear Damijan,As members of one CLC body, we take part into your pain and hope. I’m sure that the risen Lord welcomes Nikola in his joy now; I give thanks for Nikolas’ uncomplicated and warm presence at different international meetings, for his optimism and joy. May God give strength and hope to his family and the whole Croatian CLC!In union of prayer, fraternally yours,Daniel Sonveaux S.J. EA Belgium |
Hello all,This is an awful shock. Nikola brought so much life to the Lebanon Assembly. I shall offer Mass for Nikola today.BlessingsRobin Koning, SJ Australia |
Dear Danijian,CLC Croitia, family of NiKolaI send my sincere condolences for Nikola’s family and for Clc CroitiaNiKola was wonderful person,very optimistThanks to him for his presence and for all gave usNiKola is now in the God’s Kindom and he pray for usIn union to prayerI together with CVX SyriaAntoine Taoutel |
Dear Damijan and CLC family in Croatia,we are together in this moment of sadness for Nikola’s loss. As much as his dynamism overflowed on us all, we are filled with hope and joy knowing that this was a step closer to our loving God.Condolences to the Trubic family. Julian MicallefCLC Malta |
Nuestra oración desde España por el eterno descanso de nuestro compañero Nikola. Que el Dios de la Vida le tenga con Él y le dé la eterna felicidad. Abrazos.Our prayer from Spain for the repose of our colleague Nikola. We wish that the God of Life be with him and give him eternal happiness.Sincerely..Alfonso Salgado, CVX Salamanca, Spain |
Indeed you are a tremendous fighter dear Nikola Trubić Trubilo. A star in the sky shines today for you, and it brings light and hope to all of us members of CLC around the world, even in the midst of a very sad moment, because you have achieved the greatest of the accomplishments: You have lived a plentiful life despite the challenges, you haven proven to be a true follower of Jesus, and today you have seen God into His/Her eyes experiencing the greatest love of all. We will miss you so much and we´ll remember your testimony, we are very sad for your departing, but I´m sure God needed you there at this moment. Mauricio Lopez, World CLC CVX President |
I am sad for this bad news. I pray that God receives Nicolas in his kingdom. RIP Etienne Kimessoukie |
We praise God for meeting you. We will miss you!… Come lui ha detto ad Adriatica, ho potuto sentire oggi: non siamo tante CVX , ma tutti parte dell’unica CVX mondiale. Grazie Nikola! Caterina Pettazzoni CVX Trieste |
RIP. Won’t forget you, Nikola! Rosa López Fernández, CLC Spain |
De la part de la cvx-RD Congo y de mi parte, nuestras sinceras condolencias. Nos acordamos de Nicola y de su sonrisa. Junto al Padre ahora vela por todos nosotros. Un sincero abrazo a su familia y CLC. Xabier Zabala sj cvx-RD Congo |
It is a loss for the whole CLC family on the earth, but I hope that in heaven we will have an advocate. Connecting in prayer Marta Harasimowicz cvx Poland |
On je bil svet človek, to se je videlo in čutilo. Res mu je bila skupnost tako blizu! Gotovo mi bo to veliko noč ves čas pred očmi. Potem bom danes maševal zanj. Lepo pozdravi vsko skupnost.P. Damjan Ristić SJ, Slovenija |
Toutes nos condoléances a la famille de Nikola et a toute la CVX. nos prieres vous accompagnent en ces moments douloureux. Puisse le Seigneur qui a fait sa montée a Jérusalem pour y souffrir sa passion, l’accueillir dans sa gloire de Ressuscité. Tres bonne semaine Sainte a tousEléonore, CVX Côte d’Ivoire |
En mon nom, et je crois pouvoir dire au nom de la CVX Liban et ceux qui ont connu NiKola pendant l’Assemble 2013, me sincères condoléances à la famille de Nikola et à la CVX Croatie.En union de prièresOliver Borg sj CVX Libanon |
Dear Nikola, rest in peace beside the good LordPlease pray for us!!!!Marita |
Dear Damijan,I am really sad to hear this bad news but I am in the hope because Nicola is now in the hands of our Lord and he is praying for us ! I keep in my memory a very joyful person, generous and a happy man with plenty of constructive ideas for the youth world and for our community !My condolences to his family and to your community !with love, Janvière France |
Nos sincères condoléances a la famille de Nikola, a toute la Cvx de Croatie et nous tous qui avons eu la Grace de le rencontrer sur le chemin de la Vie. Béni soit le Seigneur qui a accueilli Nikola dans la Jérusalem Céleste . En union de prière , en Christ !Alberto NGULUNGUCvx RD Congo |
We thank God for Nikola. He was like a bright light in our lives. For myself, and on behalf of CLC Malta, I express my solidarity with his family and friends, and CLC Croatia, at this time of grief. We keep you in our prayers. Saviour Borg, Malta |
Le più vive condoglianze anche dal sottoscritto e dai giovani della CVX-LMS d’Italia.La luce del Signore Risorto che illumina le nostre tenebre, dia speranza e consolazione a chi oggi è nel pianto.Fraternamente,P. Massimo Nevola S.I. |
Dear Damijan and all our sisters and brothers of CLC Croatia, I always remember Nicola’s dancing at the night in our World Assembly, Very impressive and joyful! In this Holy Week, may our Passion Christ hold him to the joy of Heaven. Theresa Wang CLC Taiwan |
Dear Damian,My deep compassion for Nicola’s going away! I always remember his joyful simplicity pointing to us the center of the Gospel. May his prayer help us in being truthful christian!Fr. Pierre Meyers, sj Luxemburg |
Dear Damian and CLC Croatia, We thank God for Nikola. We were together in sharing group during World Assembly, and Inese and I will never forget his inspiration and commitment to CLC, we are so sad to lose him. Our condolences to his family and friends and CLC Croatia. Asnate Dimza, CLC Latvia |
Trieste, lunedi santo 2015Il Signore ci ha fatto dono di incotrare Nikola un anno fa circa in un incontro delle cumunita di vita cristiana che si erano date appuntamento a Trieste. Ci siamo sentiti una comunita di veri amici nel Signore, uniti da uno stesso dono spirituale: il carisma ignaziano. Nikola celebra ora la Pasqua eterna dopo avere percorso un lungo tratto di strada in breve tempo. Ci accompagni nel nostro cmmino e ci faccia dono di essere “una sola comunita di fede” nella varieta delle lingue, culture e tradizioni, una comunita d’amore il cui linguaggio tutti capiscono.Ciao, Nikola: sei stato anche per noi di Trieste un dono del Signore e ti diciamo il nostro grazie nell’unico rendimento di grazie che sale al Padre in Cristo: l’eucaristia.p. Roberto e tutta CVX di Trieste<HRV>Prije otprilike godinu dna, Gospodin nam je ukazao milos i dao nam da upoznamo Nikolu tijekom tijekom jednog susreta ZKŽ-a u Trstu. Od prvog trenutka osjetili smo zajedništvo prijateljstva u Gospodin u, ujedinjeni zajedničkim duhovnim darom: ignacijanskom karizmom. Nikola sada slavi vječni Uskrs nakon što je prešao veliki put u vrlo kratkom vremenu. Neka nas prati na našem putu i zagovaraj nas, da postanemo “jedna jedina zajednica vjere” sastavljena od više jezika, kultura i tradicija, zajednica ljubavi, a taj jezik svi razumiju. Pozdravljamo te, Nikola, ti si bio dar Božji i za nas iz Trsta i iskazujemo ti ovom Euharistijom našu zahvalnost Ocu u Kristu! P. Roberto SJ i cijela zajednica kršćanskog života iz Trsta(molitvu izrekli na pogrebnoj sv. misi Caterina i Andrea, iz Trsta) |
Iskrena sućut obitelji i prijateljima, spokoj vječni neka mu daruje Gospodin, Elizabeta Abramović |
Lord our father, thank you for giving us Nikola whose vitality and faith has so much encouraged me personally and it has been rewarding whenever I was in his company in Austria,Slovenia,Trieste and Regensburg. Not only I but all the members of clc Austria who have met Nikola will miss him. We will remember him in our prayers. Oh good lord give him a home in your loving presence. May he rest in heavenly peace. Martha and clc Austria |
Dear Damijan and CLC family in Croatia,
Our prayers and sympathy on the death of Nikola to you all from CLC Australia. In Australia we would call him a great guy. Wishing you all the joy of Christ’s resurrection this Easter . Chris Gardner.
Tražio sam s njegovog profila koju ću fotku staviti…i kad vidjeh Nikolu pod križem, rekoh: “To je to!” Gospodin ga je pozvao večeras, na Cvjetnicu… Isus i Nikola.. muka i križ su iza njih, a vječna radost ispred njih… Nikola nas je sve naučio kako nositi svoj križ, kako ne bježati od njega. U radosti, Siniša, nosi svoj križ! To sam i od Nikole naučio. Nikad ga nisam vidio tužnog, već uvijek nasmijanog, pamtim tisuću njegovih šala na vlastiti račun… I razmišljam što je prvo učinio kad je večeras stupio pred njegovog i mog Isusa. Znate što? Zapjevao mu!! Da! Pjesmu je volio jako! odmah je postao član nebeskog zbora! Eh, da mi je čuti Nikolin glas kada dočekam i svoju Cvjetnicu… jednom…kad Isus to odluči… Dotad, zapjevajmo i mi nešto Isusu, neku pjesmu koju najviše volimo. I Nikola će pjevati s nama. Siguran sam! Siniša Pucić |
Cher Damijan,Dans la tendresse de ce Dieu tout puissant d’amour, nous nous associons à la tristesse de la famille de Nikola et de la CLC de Croatie. Dans cette amitié au Christ qui nous lie au-delà de la mort, sur ce chemin de Pâque, nous rendons grâce pour l’espérance de la résurrection.Jean Fumex et toute l’exco France.<HRV>Dragi Damijan,U nježnosti Svemogućeg Boga ljubavi, možemo se pridružiti u žalosti Nikolinoj obitelji i ZKŽ-u u Hrvatskoj. U tom prijateljstvu s Kristom koji nas veže i poslije smrti, na tom putu Pashe, zahvaljujemo zbog nade u uskrsnuće.Jean Fumex i cijeli EXCO Francuska |
Querida ComunidadConocimos a Nikola en la Asamblea Mundial en el Líbano. Era un joven lleno de vitalidad y buen humor, un vivo testimonio de la fuerza de la fragilidad. Era miembro de la Comunidad CVX en Croacia, y su presidente, Damijan, nos informó hace unos días de su fallecimiento.Es una triste noticia, pero como dice Damijan, está ya con Cristo en el Paraíso y desde allí reza ya por nosotros. Doy gracias por haberme cruzado con él en esta vida y por saber que también vosotros le conoceréis allá donde él se nos ha adelantado.Tristes pero unidos en oración por él, por su familia y por su ComunidadAdelaida la Casta Munoa, CVX Espagna<HRV>Draga Zajednico!Nikolu sam upoznala na Svjetskoj skupštini u Libanonu. Bio je mlad čovjek pun života i dobrog humora, živo svjedočanstvo snage u svojoj krhkosti. Bio je član ZKŽ-a u Hrvatskoj, a njezin predsjednik, Damijan, nas je obavijestio o njegovoj smrti prije nekoliko dana. To je tužna vijest, ali kao što kaže Damijan, već je s Kristom u raju, a od tamo moli i za nas. Zahvalna sam što sam ga upoznala već u ovom životu, a znamo da će se i u nebu boriti za nas. Tužna, ali ujedinjena u molitvi za njega, njegovu obitelj i njegov ZKŽ,Adelaide la Casta Munoa, ZKŽ Španjolska |
Dragi prijatelji!Tisti, ki smo poznali Nikolo, smo bili še pred kratkim veseli vaše vesti, da se je pozdravil in ko sem v torek, potem, ko sem se vrnila s kratkih duhovnih vaj, odprla mail in videla novico o smrti Nikole, kar nisem mogla verjeti.Zame, kot zdravnico, je pogled na umrlega znova in znova dokaz, da večnost je. Boji minejo in na obrazu se zariše mir. Nekateri pravijo, da je to hladen mir končnosti, meni pa vedno znova govori o neskončnosti, o večnosti…
Da bi močno doživeli to resničnost v teh velikonočnih praznikih vam želimo Andreja in Igor Bahovec, SKŽ Slovenija |
Dear all,We also received the news about Nikola’s passing with great sadness and are united in prayers with his family and all CLC members in Croatia.On behalf of all members of CLC Uruguay, we’d like to share this prayer from St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ in honor of Nikola’s memory:„Not even death itself may taint the profound joy of a Christian. For us, it means not defeat but victory: the moment when we will see God. Life was given to us to seek God, death to find Him, and eternity to possess Him. It comes a time when, after reaching the end of the road, we find ourselves at the very end. We find our Father and throw ourselves into His arms, loving arms that were nailed to the Cross so that they would always remain open.“Saint Alberto Hurtado, 1946Our warmest regards in the hope of Christ’s Resurrection,Santiago, Isabel, Pablo, and Mace, CLC Uruguay |
Dear allI retain strong memories of the conversations with Nikola and his interests and passions. I will remember him in the next national Assembly of Italian CLC at end April. May he pray and support all of us !My best wishes to all the world community for Easter !Leonardo Becchetti, Italian CLC |
Dear Croatian CLC,Please receive our warmest Easter wishes, sent on Good (=God’s) Friday, from the very middle of Christ’s pain. We were very sorry to hear about Nikola’s death, but at the same time we strongly believe that he is already experiencing heavenly joy, seeing our Lord face to face.May you and his family stay in peace, consoled by Jesus Christ himself,Ania Wilamek (Eurolink), on behalf of Polish CLC |
+++ Poruka zahvale +++ |
Dragi prijatelji! Naša mala zajednica ZKŽ ove godine je konkretno i intenzivno proživljavala Pashalno otajstvo uz našeg Nikolu: njegovu muku, smrt i vjeru u uskrsnuće i vječni život vidjeli smo kroz njegovu patnju. Dok je trpio strašne bolove, nikad ga nismo čuli da je bio ljut na Boga, dok je ležao u bolnici, molio je svećenika da mu često donosi sv. Pričest. U svakom trenutku zadržao je optimizam, vedrinu i poznati smisao za humor. Posebno su ga ohrabrile sve vaše poruke potpore i vaše molitve. Sa svima vama moram podijeliti i njegov neostvareni projekt: da bi osigurao egzistenciju sebi i mami, koja ga je njegovala, planirao je preurediti staru kuću na otoku Krku, urediti apartmane za turizam, ali ih dijelom dati na korištenje i svjetskoj ZKŽ, da njegova kuća postane mjesto odmora i susreta ZKŽ-a sa svih strana svijeta. A sve vas bi pitao financijsku pomoć za taj projekt. Naravno, naša nacionalna zajednica prihvatila je taj projekt za njega!Ali dragi Bog je isplanirao drugačije!Njegov pokop bio je istinski doticaj sa Uskrslim gospodinom, ispratili smo ga pjesmom, s gitarama, slavili smo sv. Misu, i posljednja pjesma na grobu bila je „Uskrsnuo je….“.Mama, tata i brat su vam neizmjerno zahvalni na riječima potpore i ohrabrenja, svakome pojedinačno!
A naša mala zajednica ne prestaje hvaliti i slaviti Boga na širini prijateljstva u Gospodinu, koji se je poslužio Nikolom da nas poveže! Doista, neka sada Nikola moli za sve nas! U tom duhu, želimo vam svima sretan Uskrs
Dear friends in Lord! This year our little Christian Life Community has intensively experienced Paschal mystery together with the pain of our dear Nikola, through which we conceived his faith in the resurrection and enternal life. While he was suffering terrible pain, we never once heard him complain or being angry at God. Moreover, during his stay in hospital he asked priest to regularly bring him the Holy Communion. Nikola managed to keep his optimism, cheerfulness and well known humor at all times. He was particularly encouraged by your prayers and messages of support! I would also like to share with you the plan he was working on despite being ill – in order to ensure the existence for himself and his mother, who nurtered him, he planned to rearrange his old house on the island of Krk, arrange the appartments for tourism, and also give part of them on usage to the world Christian Life Community, so that his house could become a place of rest and encounters for Christian Life Communities from all parts of the world. He wanted to ask for your financial help in order to accomplish his goal. Ofcourse, our national community accepted this procject for him! But, dear God has planned things differently! Nikola’s funeral was a true touch with our Risen Lord. We send him off with songs, guitars, celebrated the Holy Mass, and the last song that we sang on his grave was ”He is Risen up”. In the name off all world CLC community, at the holly mass, Caterina and Andrea Pettazzoni from CLC Trieste – Italy read 3 prayers: their own, from CLC Italy and CLC Austria, and here is their testimony: „Dear friends, This morning I woke up thinking about yesterday and I want to praise the Lord for yesterday. Yes, even yesterday, in the grief of Nikola’s loss we have received gifts and gifts: First of all thanks to you who helped us through the singing and playing the guitar (also Damian’s son!) not to stay closed in the silence of one’s own grief. On the contrary, gathering together and looking above we have lived that moment together, also with Nikola, who looks at us from above, surely with love. ….. Through our being only the voice of the friend’s prayers, yesterday I could live what Nik said during Adriatica CLC Meeting last year: we are not CLC Croatia, CLC Austria, CLC Italy, etc.., but we all belong to ONE CLC. Thank you Nik! And praise be to Lord for Nik’s life!“ Nikola’s mother, father and brother are immensely grateful for your words of support and encouragement, to each and every one of you! All your messages, we put together as treasure, are on our web site: Our small community does not stop to praise and celebrate God for giving us this beautiful gift – Nikola, who bound us all together! Indeed, let Nikola prays for all of us! In this spirit, we wish you all a happy Easter! Damijan Srdoč, CLC Croatia, president Whole CLC Croatian Community Nikola’s Family |
Merci Nikola pour ta joie de vivre, si contagieuse. Ta vie continue avec le ressuscité. Prie pour nous!Toutes mes condoléances à la CVX Croatie et à la famille de Nikola.
Marie-Louise Ouadan, CVX Côte d’Ivoire |
Regensburg 2013, europska skupština ZKŽ:
Naši prijatelji iz Italije (Trst):